Art Making and Meaning:

Educators’ Supplement

Welcome to the educators’ supplement for Art Making and Meaning: Understanding through Questions.

The Art Making and Meaning DVD introduces 17 thought-provoking questions one can ask about any artwork or artifact, and also, if appropriate, ask about one’s own art making.  Following a brief introduction to each question, a painter and a sculptor respond by inviting viewers into their lives and sharing their artistic decision-making. The companion CD includes follow-up activities to 1) review information from the DVD, 2) apply each question to objects from the everyday visual world, and 3) increase awareness of art inquiry strategies.

Art Making and Meaning is designed for adults and high school students.  However, many of its parts can be adapted for younger learners. Click on choices below to explore recommendations for implementation at different education levels.

Recommendations for Implementation at Various Education Levels

Higher Education Art Classes
Art Enrichment for Adults
Secondary Art Classes
Secondary One-Question-Per-Week Implementation Timeline
Interdisciplinary Classes
Elementary Art Classes
Upper Elementary Implementation Timeline
Multi-Year Elementary Implementation Timeline

Art Making and Meaning
Click to find lesson ideas for each question introduced in of Art Making and Meaning.  Activities are not identified for particular age level. Each lesson includes a single broad objective, which, it is assumed, teachers will flesh out, adapt, extend, or refine to suit their students, resources, curriculum, and community.  Each lesson includes two sets of activities: “Activities for All Students” do not assume prior knowledge and skills in art.  “Activities for Art Students” do assume prior art experience.
The Human Touch
The Real Thing
All Things Visible
More to See and Touch
People, Places, and Things
The Days of Our Lives
The World Around Us
What Does it Do?
Cultures Here and Now / There and Then
Visual Worlds
Group Think and My Two Cents
What the Artist Wants to Do
Experienced and Informed
Family Resemblance
Everything Comes from Somewhere
Big Ideas

Printable Inquiry Map and Icons

Inquiry Map
Facts about an Artwork
Contextual Facts
Conclusions about Meanings 
Conclusions about Connections among Artworks

Run Time for DVD Segments in Minutes and Seconds

Challenging Vocabulary for Elementary Students